Design Methods and Processes
Design Methods and Processes
Earth Moves Again
The built environment we dwell in is interpreted through our inherent senses that are highly dependent on experiencing spatial variation. For about a hundred years, the designs of architectural spaces have had visual perception as the main influence and are not driven by acoustics or sound. In relation to architecture and the human experiences, this thesis explores the use of acoustics and their influence on spatial design and asks a series of
- Can sound and acoustics be the major inspiration source and the primary concern for the design intent and a formal determinate of space?
- Can the sound of objects and music be visually perceived instead of being heard?
- Can the sound create a space that has new ways of interaction and communication
qualities and result in a method of visualizing sound and acoustics instead of the visual experience of the built form?
Revising how sound can evolve into inhabitable space and employing the principals of sound in space, this research project will attempt to investigate the ways of interaction and communication by transforming one medium into another to explore and search for a space that has quality beyond its possibility with the goal of generating an acoustic responsive user experience.
But this time our response is a stereotype: architecture is a frozen music. In our investigation "the object starts melting down and up."

Sound Rhizome
This design research project studies the philosophy of space to inspire an architectural catharsis. Investigating and understanding the systems of the universe to create spaces through an ontological design process.
The goal of this research is to correlate, physical, mental and social spaces to build up a state of mind which allows us to stay curious, create blank thoughts and maybe to awaken the wonderer inside. This thesis is not seeking to solve a particular problem; instead it represents a process of tuning our understanding of the physical and metaphysical world into an architectural concept. Structure of the universe and fabric of space are going to be investigated as information. This thesis will use the questions of What, Why and How to organize itself and give meaning to the process.

The focus of this high-rise office building titled “De-Institutionalized” is to create a vertical office environment that encourages users to network. Architecture is the catalyst for defining the intricate moments where users circulate throughout the vertical system taking advantage of the programmatic opportunities present. To establish improved building ergonomics, the idea of a “vertical datum” is implied to represent the transition through a variety of spaces. Datum by definition is literally “something given”. To implement this idea into an architectural manifestation, the datum is understood as the defined axis of a three dimensional object in space. The defined axis functions as a guide for the user to traverse and wander throughout all the building has to offer. A series of voids stitches programs and vertical circulation elements enforcing the idea of a guided transition vertically to encourage users to explore various plaza spaces, cafes, and lounges. De-institutionalized refers to the post-production of generic office spaces and its influence in the social-economical and political realm of human culture. Architecture is the instrument for employing this idea.